I always appreciate the reflections from your own life and questions for us to reflect on ours.

I’m in a wordless season, and you’re right, it’s hard to gain a sense of groundedness in the midst of that as words have always been available to me to express what’s happening internally.

I made a list this am. I find when the poetic prose has evaporated, lists help me see. A column for life-giving and a column for life-draining. I can’t run from all the life-draining things in my life, but I can fill it with more life-giving things. So, that is my aim for the remainder of this month—fill it with life-giving things.

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I love lists, and I'm glad you've found them to be helpful. You might consider writing a list essay and see if it shakes something loose. My students are currently working on one, and it's been interesting!

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